Student Loan Forgiveness 101
Have questions about student loan forgiveness? Join consumer attorney Peter Aldous from Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada for a short presentation about the federal student debt relief plan. There will be a question and answer session in which you can ask about the federal loan forgiveness process and other consumer law issues, including tenant rights, debt collection, payday loans, small claims, and more.
This free event, open to the general public, will be held at UNLV’s Boyd School of Law, room 102. Click here to view frequently asked questions about student loan forgiveness in English and Spanish.
Attorneys with Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada (which manages the Resiliency Center) are on site with us every day to serve as a resource for legal concerns—including debt collection, housing and evictions, insurance matters, medical billing problems, and more. No matter where you live or what you’re facing, if you qualify for our services, you can reach out to us for legal help at 702-455-2433 or