Interested in Providing Services?
We are able to help individuals impacted by crime and trauma because of the incredible relationships with our dedicated community partners. Please take a look at our Calendar of Events to get a sense of the kinds of outreach events and services our partners regularly offer. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 702-455-2433 or resiliencyandjustice@lacsn.org.
Licensed Behavioral Health Services
If you are a licensed behavioral health services provider interested in offering trauma-focused and trauma-informed services to our clients (victims of crime throughout Nevada; those impacted by the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting of October 1, 2017; and Southern Nevada first responders) please complete a Provider Interest Form:
Integrative Services
The Resiliency & Justice Center is pleased to offer a variety of integrative services available to those who qualify for our assistance, intended to be used in coordination with evidence-based treatment or as a follow-up to treatment. If you are interested in providing an integrative service, such as art therapy, music therapy, or meditation, please complete a Provider Interest Form:
HEART Peer Support
Models of peer support focus on a cultural, shared, lived experience, with an emphasis on the resilience of the individuals involved. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have repeatedly shown these programs have offered solidarity and healing support to communities in need of an additional option to traditional behavioral healthcare services. Peer support is known to have benefits for both the supporter and the receiver as the roles and relationships fluctuate and more formal services are included (when needed).
Those impacted by mass violence incidents now have access to this award-winning model through our HEART (Healing, Empowering, And Rebuilding Together) peer support initiative. HEART Peer Mentors are dedicated volunteers who have been personally impacted by Route 91 or other traumatic events. They complete a rigorous training and certification process to offer services on an individual basis. They are well-versed in evidence-based best practices to support each other and also have the benefit and guidance of volunteer HEART Coaches—licensed (or otherwise vetted) trauma-informed providers and clinicians who must complete their own training process based on the HEART model.
If you are interested in volunteering your time as a HEART Peer Mentor or HEART Coach, please complete an Interest Form: