Sunrise Remembrance Ceremony
The annual 1 October Sunrise Remembrance Ceremony will be held at the Clark County Government Center outdoor amphitheater in downtown Las Vegas. Attendees may wish to bring lawn chairs since limited seating will be available.
Representatives from the Vegas Strong Fund will be in the Rotunda Gallery following the ceremony at Clark County Government Center’s outdoor amphitheater at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1 (in addition to staff from the Resiliency & Justice Center). The Vegas Strong Fund is a local nonprofit group that has been involved with extensive 1 October-related charitable endeavors and was chosen by the Clark County Commission this spring to oversee construction and fundraising efforts to build the memorial. More information about that effort will be unveiled soon.
The Rotunda Gallery is hosting a 1 October Remembrance Exhibit in the Rotunda Gallery from September 30 to October 10, which will include a model of the “Forever One Memorial” selected to serve as the community’s permanent memorial, the Art of Healing mural and Angels of Love displays created in remembrance of the first year after Route 91, as well as a sculpture featuring two glass butterflies with purple and orange wings entitled “El Camino Illuminado” (The Lighted Path) to represent those who have succumbed to their injuries in the years after the tragedy.