1 October Remembrance Virtual Quilt Gallery

Virtual Quilt Gallery
The Resiliency & Justice Center holds annual quilt drives for survivors of the 1 October shooting. The past six years have given us the opportunity to work with several quilt guilds, clubs, and individuals who have provided Route 91 survivors, family members, and first responders with beautiful quilts to assist in the healing process.
During the 2022 remembrance of the Route 91 tragedy, Las Vegas-Clark County Library District put on displays of many of the donated quilts. We also compiled this virtual gallery of all the quilts graciously submitted for the annual raffle.
This event has become one of the most popular activities each year surrounding the remembrance of the tragedy. The quilts are much more than cloth and thread. They are blankets of love, respect, encouragement, and commemoration that are truly cherished by those who receive them. Each year, the Resiliency & Justice Center has hundreds of people enter the raffle around the world who were impacted by 1 October.
These quilts will be awarded to survivors, relatives, and first responders who enter the raffle, free of charge. If you are quilter interested in being part of this project, please call or email the Resiliency & Justice Center.
2022 Remembrance Quilts