Holiday Health

Holiday times can be stressful and filled with anxiety. Sometimes being with family (or not being with family) can bring up old feelings, behaviors, and patterns, and our joy turns into pain. We tend to overeat and not give the body what it actually needs in order to maintain balance, vitality, and awareness. The collective buzz can feel frenetic and overwhelming to the nervous system, causing you to feel more tired and isolated.

Join Catherine and Elizabeth Scherwenka for this one-hour session that will offer guidance and practical ways in which you can support yourself in order to stay healthy and stable during this holiday season. They will offer practical tools to help support you so you can experience health, cheer, and joy this holiday season.

Catherine and Elizabeth were both part of the Wellness Recovery for Clark County after the 1 October incident. They have studied and trained for over 20 years at an academy in India and have dedicated their lives to helping humanity shift from stressful, anxious, lonely states to more connected, peaceful, joyful states.

March 2025
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