Coping with News of Mass Violence

Hearing about mass violence incidents in the news or on social media can bring a mixture of distressing emotions and memories. It can make it difficult to manage daily activities and may even feel like the healing that you have worked so hard for in the past few years has been “set back” or even lost.

Join us for a discussion facilitated by Terri Keener and Amy C. O’Neill on how recent incidents of mass violence may be affecting you, resources available, and ideas for coping and getting through the tough times.

Amy C. O’Neill is a seasoned licensed mental health professional and a survivor of the Boston Marathon bombing. In addition to her private practice, she hosts The Trauma Impact, a podcast on Mental Health News Radio Network, which is downloaded in over 25 countries. She is also a stakeholder for the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center and a consultant for the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center. Amy is active as an advocate for those impacted by violence and she offers a unique perspective as both a survivor and a clinician that is intuitive, informative, and compassionate.

Terri Keener is the Behavioral Health Coordinator at the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center. She is experienced in helping others heal trauma in various capacities. Her role with the Resiliency Center is to ensure that those impacted by Route 91 have access to the support needed to have their behavioral health needs met through individual connections, outreach, and innovative program development.

September 2024
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