We all know it as “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,” but what if we changed it to “Post Traumatic Stress Growth”? Whether you know it or not, trauma always lends the opportunity for growth to occur. It comes down to how you perceive it and work with it.

How do you perceive your trauma? Is it something that has created blockage, fear, resistance, and sadness? What if you made a conscious choice to use it as a catalyst for growth instead of as something that has “broken” you?

Join Catherine and Elizbeth Scherwenka for this beautiful session on how one can shift from feeling that trauma is 100% negative to the possibility of trauma being an impetus for evolution, transformation, and change.

Catherine and Elizabeth were both part of the Wellness Recovery for Clark County after the 1 October incident. They have studied and trained for over 20 years at an academy in India and have dedicated their lives to helping humanity shift from stressful, anxious, lonely states to more connected, peaceful, joyful states. They both travel globally, sharing their wisdom and knowledge not only from what they have acquired from their studies but more importantly from their own life experiences.

February 2025
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