Trauma Informed Peer Support Info Webinar

After almost four years of healing after the tragedy of October 1, 2017, So Cal Route 91 Heals’ TIPS project is here to help ensure your continued strong recovery and resilience. One way of ensuring that is your connection to other survivors, to receive support, and to have someone to talk to who just knows.

Trauma-Informed Peer Support is a program that encourages a connection between two people who have a shared similar experience and the power of that bond to help both people heal. The lived experience between two peer survivors is key to its success of receiving support while recovering from this traumatic event.

So Cal Route 91 Heals is planning a late-2021 kickoff for the next cohort of its Peer Support project. In advance of that kickoff, they invite you to this informational webinar where you will have the opportunity to hear from our current Peer Supporters about their experience, as well as the project timeline, outcomes, specific duties, and expectations.

For information about the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center’s HEART Peer Support program, click here.

September 2024
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